The Underdevelopment of Development Autobio-/biographical essay by Andre Gunder Frank Global Network GDN Launched in Bonn, Germany, December 1999. What Happened at GDN99? Click here for speeches, daily reports, session summaries, photos, an archive of conference papers and more.
Conference in Bonn “The Paternalistic Attitude of the North Must Change” Why Joseph Stiglitz Retired from the World Bank “...The third objective was to change the process of the development dialogue. There was still the colonial mentality of the developed countries who were telling the rest of the countries what to do. This was just out of tune with where we ought to be. It was not the way people should treat each other and not the way you get effective development.” Interview D + C Scan Globally, Reinvent Locally: Stiglitz` Bonner Vortrag über Entwicklung und Wissen: “Disembodied knowledge has the characteristics of a public
good (non-rivalrous and, once public, non-excludable), while money is the quintessential private good. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, described knowledge in the following way: »He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.« In doing so, Jefferson anticipated the modern concept of a public good. Thus disembodied knowledge for development is indeed a
global public good and, like other public goods, it would be undersupplied if left entirely to private initiative. The internet has in practice brought knowledge access closer to the ideal of a global public good. The communication revolution has made great strides in facilitating communication within countries and has also enhanced the ability of developing and transitional countries to tap into the global pool of (codified)
knowledge. The internet should prove to be a tool of immense power in sharing knowledge within our network of GDN institutes.” Lesen Sie hier (Englisch) Unterentwicklung
und Sozialwissenschaft im Kalten Krieg Ein persönlicher Bericht von Andre Gunder Frank Mit der Verwunderung der ironie referiert der Sohn eines Emigranten seine Migranten- und Emigrantenlaufbahn durch die sozialwissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Ideologien dreier
Jahrzehnte. In seinem Marsch durch die Institutionen des kalten Krieges ist Frank niemals angekommen; seine persönliche Erzählung kann gleichwohl den geschichtlichen Blick auf die Irrwege der Entwicklung der Weltwirtschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schärfen und zugleich Bausteine zu einer Wissenssoziologie der professionellen Gruppen beitragen, die sich weltweit mit Entwicklung befassen und sie dabei oft genug behindern. Lesen Sie hier (Englisch) Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International The Council of the Socialist International met in Brussels,
Belgium, on 10-11 April. At its first meeting after the XXI SI Congress in Paris at the end of last year, the Council initiated a discussion on a Platform on Global Progress, a document which will incorporate the democratic socialist vision on global change, underlining the movement's policies and values. This Platform will continue to be discussed in the next few months, the Council decided, and
will be adopted by the forthcoming Council meeting to take place in the last quarter of 2000. Another central theme of the work of the Council in Brussels was the discussion of four campaigns which were agreed and officially launched by the International. These four different campaigns set their objectives on: 'Cancelling the debt of the poorest countries and providing them with unrestricted market access'; 'Making the fight against poverty in Africa an urgent priority'; 'Stopping violence against women'; and, 'Abolishing the death penalty'.  |